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Pacific Exchange Productions

July 31st - August 1st, 2020

Group Competition Rules & Regulations

All participants are required to stay at the Heiva i Reno host hotel ~ Nugget Casino Resort

Heiva i Reno 2020 is open to all Hālau / Pupu 'Ori to compete in the below categories on Saturday, August 1st in the Nugget Ballroom at the Nugget Casino Resort

CATEGORIES / ENTRY FEES (All entry fees submitted online)

                  $350…...Hura Tau (Professional)

Groups entering this category will be eligible to vie for the Heiva i Reno "Roiti Tehetu Tahauri Sylva" Perpetual Award. Group winning this award 3 consecutive years retains trophy.
                  $250…...Hura Ava Tau (Amateur)
                  $125…...Ahuroa / Mehura
                  $150…...Open Category
                  $75……Tamari’i ‘Aparima
                  $75……Tamari’i 'Ote'a
June 1st, 2020 (No Late Entries)

CHECK-IN Pupu 'Ori will be scheduled check-in and stage walk-on rehearsal times. Pupu 'Ori Directors and participants must register with their group in person and provide signed “No Harm Waiver” for each participant.

Participating groups will be given 2 comp tickets for Pupu 'Ori Directors for seating in the VIP section.

Pupu 'Ori Directors may choose to go online and purchase a block of seats. Ticket sales are final and no call-backs to change seats allowed.

No admittance allowed to enter Nugget Ballroom without a ticket

SECURITY DEPOSIT A $100 security deposit will be included with online entry. Pupu 'Ori will receive security deposit refund within 15 days after event once it has been determined assigned dressing area is left in same orderly condition as when first checked-in. Dressing area will be inspected by Heiva i Reno host/hostesses assigned to each Pupu 'Ori and Nugget Casino Resort to determine refund of security deposit.

NO HARM WAIVER “No Harm Waiver” releases Pacific Exchange Productions, Hula Halau 'O Nalua & 'Otea 'Api, Nugget Casino Resort and Markel Gambling responsibility for loss or damage to personal property, bodily harm or injury during this event and will be responsible for any/all expenses to cover injury/damage(s) incurred to Pacific Exchange Productions, Hula Halau 'O Nalua & 'Otea 'Api, Nugget Casino Resort and Markel Gambling.

RIGHTS TO PHOTO / VIDEO All Pupu 'Ori Directors extend exclusive rights to Pacific Exchange Productions to use all photos/video taken during this event for promotional considerations.

STAGE (Stage size will only accommodate up to 40 dancers)

✿ Main Stage: 40'W x 28'D x 3'H ✿ Musicians Stage: 20'W x 16'D x 3'H

Pupu 'Ori required to email Fact Sheet and Participant List to before deadline date
Failure to submit before required deadline date will result in a 25 point penalty. The following information must be included which best describes presentation for each entry:

✿ Title of Theme
✿ Short Summary of Theme
✿ Theme for Couples in the Open Category
✿ Order of Presentation in the Hura Tau and Hura Ava Tau
✿ 'Aparima Song List (must include words and translation)
✿ Costume (ie, color selection, materials used)

All participants must be identified as dancer, drummer, musician, and/or vocalist. Changes will not be accepted after July 15, 2020

All participants must be appropriately dressed for all presentations. Each costume will be presented to judges following presentation for inspection of details.

No synthetic material to be used in any part of the costume; all materials must be of natural materials (ie, more, auti, tapa, feathers, shells, etc). NO hot glue permitted; costumes must be hand or machine sewn.


Groups required a minimum of 10 dancers which may be a combination of vahine and tane or all vahine.
A maximum of fifteen (15) drummers, musicians and singers/vocalists collectively will be allowed
All participants in either category must be 13+ years of age on or before August 1st, 2020.

Time Limit: 30 minutes maximum (45 minutes if Tamari'i 'Aparima and 'Ote'a included)
Timing begins at start of first drum beat, music or movement of drummers, musicians, Ra'atira or dancers and will stop at end of entire presentation

The following is required for groups entering Hura Tau (Professional) or Hura Ava Tau (Amateur)

Presentation must incorporate a theme (ie: Joy, Life, Nature, etc) in their presentation and include the following (not necessarily in same order):

‘Ote’a / ‘Aparima / Paoa / Hivinau / Orchestra (Drumming) / Couples

Judging for ‘Ote’a, ‘Aparima, Paoa and Hivinau based on following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:

Theme                         Creativity and originality
                                       How well each segment blends and flows throughout presentation
Choreography            Entrance, Exit, Execution and Precision; creative and appropriate to Theme
Group Ensemble      Spirit / Vitality / Expression
Costume                     Originality, neatness and appropriateness to theme
Language                    Articulation of Tahitian language (Clarity, pronunciation, comprehensive)
Musicians / Drummers  Blend of instruments and vocals
Drumming                 (Orchestra of Drummers in 'Ote'a)
                                      How well the pehe (drum beats) flows with dancing; Transition pehe to pehe
Music                            (Orchestra of Musicians in 'Aparima)
                                      How well the music flows with dancing; blends of instruments and vocals

Orchestra (Drumming) Three required drumming presentations, Pehe Tahito / Open Orchestra / Pahu Tupai will be judged based on the following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:

✿ Clarity of instruments
✿ Tonality of instruments
✿ Transition of pehe to pehe
✿ Creativity and utilization of percussion instruments
✿ Costume
✿ Overall performance


Pehe Tahito (Traditional toere beats) – maximum of five (5) drummers consisting of (3) Toere; (1) Tari Parau; (1) Faatete.

Orchestra to play at least 5 pehe from the following list and encouraged to play in own style: Puarata; Hitoto; Tariaria; Tautira; Titau; Tiare Taporo; Takoto

Ra'atira will announce name of each pehe

Open Orchestra Pehe, presentation and style is open with a maximum of ten (10) drummers.

Pahu Tupai Music arrangement, presentation and style is open. Minimum (4) maximum (6) drummers consisting of Pahu Tupai and may include the following instruments: Faatete; Tari Parau; Ihara.

Presentation must be incorporated as part of the Theme. Judging will be based on the following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:


✿ Entrance and Exit
✿ Reflection and Expression of Theme
✿ Flow of Presentation
✿ Spirit / Vitality / Expression
✿ Costume

AHUROA / MEHURA Groups required a minimum of 10 dancers which may be a combination of vahine and tane or all vahine. .
A maximum of five (5) drummers, musicians and singers/vocalists collectively will be allowed.
All participants in this category must be 13 years of age on or before August 1st, 2020

Time Limit: 10 minutes maximum
Timing begins at start of first drum beat, music or movement of drummers, musicians or dancers and will stop at end of entire presentation.
Pupu Ori in this category will be judged based on the following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:

      Theme                     Creativity and originality
      Choreography         Entrance & Exit, Execution & Precision
      Musicians                Blend of instruments and vocals
      Music                       How well the music flows with dancing Blend of instruments and vocals
      Group Ensemble      Spirit / Vitality / Expression
      Costume                  Originality, neatness and appropriateness to theme
      Language                 Articulation of Tahitian language (Clarity, pronunciation, comprehensive)

Presentation may include original songs. All songs must be sung in Tahitian language and may not be repeated if performing in Hura Tau, Hura Ava Tau, Tamari’i ‘Aparima

NOTE: House Musicians will be available for groups in need of musicians, however, will not qualify for Music Award. Recorded music will not be allowed in any portion of presentation.

Groups required a minimum of 10 dancers which may be a combination of tamahine and tamaroa, or all tamahine and will be judged separately in the 'Ote'a and 'Aparima or may be be included in Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau


Girls and/or boys in this category must be at least 5 years of age and may not have reached their 13th birthday on or before August 1, 2020

Time Limit Timing begins at start of first drum beat, music or movement of drummers, musicians, Ra'atira or dancers and will stop at end of entire presentation.
10 minutes maximum for ‘Ote’a and 10 minutes maximum for ‘Aparima (15 minutes if combined)
Time limit will be adjusted if included in Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau


Judging based on the following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:

      Theme                     Creativity and originality
      Choreography         Entrance & Exit, Execution & Precision
      Musicians                Blend of instruments and vocals
      Music                       How well the music flows with dancing Blend of instruments and vocals
      Group Ensemble      Spirit / Vitality / Expression
      Costume                  Originality, neatness and appropriateness to theme
      Language                 Articulation of Tahitian language (Clarity, pronunciation, comprehensive)


This category is open to Pupu 'Ori not entering Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau
A maximum of (ten) 10 drummers/musicians with (1) Tane and (1) Vahine in Couples will be allowed
All participants in this category must be 13 years of age on or before August 1st, 2020


Time Limit: 12 minutes maximum
Timing begins at start of first drum beat, music or movement of drummers, musicians, or Ra'atira and will stop at end of entire presentation. Couples presentation to be performed following drumming portion.

Orchestra (Drumming) Three required drumming presentations, Pehe Tahito / Open Orchestra / Pahu Tupai will be judged based on the following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:

✿ Clarity of instruments
✿ Tonality of instruments
✿ Transition of pehe to pehe
✿ Creativity and utilization of percussion instruments
✿ Costume
✿ Overall performance

Pehe Tahito (Traditional toere beats) – maximum of five (5) drummers consisting of (3) Toere; (1) Tari Parau; (1) Faatete.

Orchestra to play at least 5 pehe from the following list and encouraged to play in own style: Puarata; Hitoto; Tariaria; Tautira; Titau; Tiare Taporo; Takoto

Ra'atira will announce name of each pehe

Open Orchestra Pehe, presentation and style is open with a maximum of ten (10) drummers.

Pahu Tupai Music arrangement, presentation and style is open. Minimum (4) maximum (6) drummers consisting of Pahu Tupai and may include the following instruments: Faatete; Tari Parau; Ihara.

Presentation must be incorporated a theme (ie: Joy, Life, Natura, etc). Judging will be based on the following criteria with a low of 10 to a high of 100 points:


✿ Entrance and Exit
✿ Reflection and Expression of Theme
✿ Flow of Presentation
✿ Spirit / Vitality / Expression
✿ Costume

Group Awards


Costume Award
Awarded to Pupu 'Ori in Tamari'i Category, Ahuroa/Mehura, Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau with highest score in costume category


Language Award
Awarded to Pupu Ori in Tamari'i Category, Ahuroa/Mehura, Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau with highest score in Language category


Music Award
Awarded to Pupu Ori in Tamari'i Category, Ahuroa-Mehura, Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau with highest score in Music category


Ra’atira Award
Awarded to Ra’atira of Pupu 'Ori in Tamari'i Category, Hura Tau or Hura Ava Tau with highest score in the Ra’atira

The following categories may also include cash awards and Tahitian instruments:

✿ Couples Award                            ✿ Ahuroa / Mehura
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards               1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards

✿ Orchestra ~ Pehe Tahito               ✿ Orchestra ~ Open Orchestra
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards               1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards


✿ Orchestra ~ Pahu Tupai
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards


✿ Tamari'i 'Aparima Award               ✿ Tamari'i 'Ote'a Award
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards               1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards


✿ 'Aparima Award ~ Hura Ava Tau    ✿ 'Ote’a Award ~ Hura Ava Tau
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards               1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards


✿ 'Aparima Award ~ Hura Tau          ✿ 'Ote’a Award ~ Hura Tau
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards               1st, 2nd, 3rd place Awards



✿ 2020 Heiva i Reno Overall Ta’ata Pa’ari Hura Tau Award
The coveted Roiti Tehauri Sylva Perpetual Trophy to be awarded to Pupu 'Ori with the highest score in the Hura Tau Category (Professional). Pupu 'Ori winning three consecutive years retains trophy

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